Maintaining an emergency water supply should be your #1 priority when gathering survival supplies.
- Amounts – How much to water to store per person for drinking, bathing & cooking
- Water storage – what type of containers should be used to store water and where should they be stored
- Water Purification – How to properly purify stored or contaminated water to avoid illness
- Water Supplies – Where to find alternative water sources in your home, neighborhood and surrounding area
Don't wait until there is a storm warming or the ground is rumpling under your feet to start collecting an emergency water supply.
Keep in mind that during or after a disaster, the water supply can quickly become contaminated or eliminated all together.
If the water supply is totally eliminated, time is of the essence; we can only go 3-5 days without water.
A human body is made up of 70% water. We need a constant supply of water for the distribution of nutrients, electrolytes, hormones, and other chemical messengers throughout the body, as well as the removal of waste products. Water is involved in cellular energy production and the maintenance of body temperature.
While drinking water is critical, an emergency water supply will also be necessary for washing, bathing and sanitation. And if you have placed dried foods in your emergency supplies you will also need water to re-hydrate and cook them.
How Much Water to Store
The CDC recommends storing at least:
- 1 gallon per person and pet per day.
- a 3-day supply of water for each member of your family.
In an emergency, you will need to drink at least 2 quarts of water a day.
Special Considerations – increase to 3 or 4 quarts a day if you are in a hot climate, pregnant, sick, or a child
If your emergency water supply does run low, don't ration water: Drink the amount you need today and look for more tomorrow. Don't risk dehydration.